A modern, Vietnamese and cosmopolitan artist: Bao Vuong
(scroll please down for French version)
Bao Vuong, born in the late seventies, was not even one year old when he, his family and hundreds of other Vietnamese boat people, floated perilously over high seas for months. After being rescued miraculously, a period of living in different refugee camps in Malaysia and Indonesia followed. Finally, the family got asylum in France. Bao received his artistic education in the south of France. His works consist of paintings, installation and performances. Key to his work is the uprooting of memories, the reconstruction of a buried past. He may certainly not be the only one who tries to come to terms with the past by means of his artworks. However, as the exhibition in The Hague shows, the poignancy of his work is extraordinary. Art lovers in Europe and Asia are responding to his work. Over the past years, Bao Vuong has had exhibitions in Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Singapore, Paris and the South of France, and Lisbon.
‘The Crossing’ is his debut in The Netherlands.
Bao Vuong works partially in France, Belgium and Vietnam.
Artiste moderne, cosmopolite, Vietnamien : Bao Vuong
Bao Vuong, né à la fin des années soixante-dix du siècle dernier, n’avait que quelques mois quand, avec ses parents et des centaines d’autres réfugiés vietnamiens, il se trouvait en grand péril sur un bateau à peine tenant la mer. Après des mois, ils étaient miraculeusement sauvés. Des camps de réfugiés en Malaisie et en Indonésie suivaient, avant que sa famille obtînt le droit d’asile en France. C’est au Sud de la France que Bao recevait sa formation artistique. Ses œuvres comprennent tableaux, installations et performances. Primordial dans son œuvre est le déracinement des mémoires, son but étant de reconstruire un passé enseveli. Bao n’est certainement pas le seul d’essayer de s’arranger avec le passé par moyen de ses œuvres d’art. Néanmoins, comme l’exposition ‘The Crossing’ à La Haye nous prouve, le caractère poignant de ses tableaux est extraordinaire. Les amateurs d’art en Europe et en Asie répondent favorablement à son œuvre. Les dernières années Bao Vuong a eu des expositions à Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Singapore, Paris, le Sud de la France et Lisbonne.
‘The Crossing’ est son début aux Pays-Bas.
Bao Vuong travaille principalement en France, en Belgique et au Viêt-Nam.
6 Solo Shows.
"The Crossing / 'La Traversée', Vietnam Art House, The Hague / The Netherlands
(2 October - 15 December)
"The Crossing -Paris " at A2Z ART Gallery, Paris / France
“Another crossing“/”XUYEN” at Manzi , Hanoi / Vietnam
“The Crossing - Saigon” at Arts Ventures Gallery , Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
“A Travers" at l’Espace, French Institut, Hanoi / Vietnam
15 Selected Group Exhibitions.
"Syzygie, a ritual for the Ocean" - French Institut, Lisbon / Portugal (8- 9 Oct)
International Art Fair BAD - Bordeaux Art Design -, Bordeaux / France (7 - 10 July)
"Exodes" - UMAM, Union Méditerranéenne pour l'Art Moderne, St Raphaël / France (1st July - 30 Sept)
"Distorsion humaine" performance à ICI VIETNAM, Paris / France
International Art Fair “ART PARIS”, Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris / France
International Art Fair ASIA NOW, Salons Hoche, Paris / France
International Art Fair “ART PARIS”, Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris / France
Group exhibition at La Tour de Sel, Calvi / France
“Unlearning”, curated by David Willis at Richard Kho Fine Art, Singapore
International Art Fair ASIA NOW, Paris / France
“FALSE” at A2Z Art Gallery, Paris / France
"All Animals Are Equal» at A Farm Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
“Festival Krossing-Over” at Museum of Fine Arts, Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
“NGUCHONOBAY” at Galerie Quynh, Ho Chi Minh City / Vietnam
1st Young Artists Exhibition, Ho Chi Minh City Fine Arts University, HCMC, Vietnam
Group Exhibition of 4 Artists, Vietnam Galerie, HCMC, Vietnam
« QUA », French Institut at l’Espace, Hanoi / Vietnam